Sunday, June 28, 2009

Can I have this dance!

Watch this watch this!!!

I really want to learn this.

I hope I can.

Prom Night

I want to watch this movie, but I can't find it. Who can help?


This is scary!!!
[if you're not back by midnight, you won't be coming home.] haha...

Yummy Pancake =D

I did pancakes with my cousin just now.

It is nice and Yummy! =D

But I can't eat too many, because it will make me gain weight!!! T.T

I know these is ugly. Will try it again. It was my first time to do these.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I'm so stress.

Stress Stress STRESS.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My New Bangs ; (

My new Bangs! T.T Not really suitable to me. haha...
Had fun with my cute little sister.
Ugly mouths. haha...
I acted as a pig. (Don't laugh!)
Look at her teeth! My mummy keeps give her sweets and junk food.
Guess what she did to me?
Talked to me???
She gave me a sweet (& smelly) good night kiss before we sleep. XP

p/s: Going back to Miri tomorrow morning. T.I.R.E.D!
